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• Servicio de botella • Songshan District
Reservado 1 vez hoy
特色咖啡酒吧 白天就營業的餐酒館📍Opening Hour-營業時間:11:30~02:00【週二 ~ 周日/周一公休】【Tuesday ~ Sunday/Closed on Monday】-咖啡時段:11:30~17:30-餐點時段:11:30~23:30-調酒時段:11:30~01:30📍基本消費・17:30前 低消為任一飲品或餐點300元/人 (不分平日、假日)・17:30後 平日-500元/人 (週日Mon.-週四Thurs.) 假日-700元/人 (週五Fri.-週六Sat.、特殊節日)・服務費10%另計📍訂位規則・訂位僅保留10分鐘,逾時視同放棄訂 位不另外以電話通知・依照當日客流量本店會斟酌限時用餐 時間2小時,如後續無訂位方可續坐・無法指定座位,系統依現場狀況安排・如有包場需求歡迎來電聯繫📍清潔及破杯費・若消費過程有影響環境清潔及其他顧客體驗 (如:嘔吐、打翻酒水餐點),將視情況酌收清潔費新台幣2000元,請勿吐在馬桶及垃圾袋以外的地方・若杯具毀損酌收破杯費250元(以杯數計算)📍注意事項・禁止於室內吸煙及電子煙・禁帶外食,包含各式飲料・恕不接受18歲以下孩童在凌晨00:00後於本店逗留,有監護人在場亦同。・如有攜帶慶生蛋糕需求歡迎提前來電告知・如有任何活動佈置用品需求歡迎提前來電告知,不另收場地清潔費,故請活動結束將場地歸還原樣,若有造成髒亂需酌收2000元・禁止酒醉鬧事及騷擾客人、服務人員,否則將協助報警處理請自重
Reservado 3 veces hoy
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
Reservado 2 veces hoy
一般訂位原則:1. 用餐時段分為12:00~14:00 / 17:30~19:20 / 19:30~21:30 三個時段,除特定休假日另行公佈外,無公休日。2. 線上預訂可預訂60天內的訂位,電話預訂可預訂至下個月月底之前之訂位。3. 線上訂位最多可訂8位,超過8位請使用電話預約0975-851010。4. 小孩食用大人套餐煩請訂位歸類為『大人』。5. 本店沒有兒童座椅,若有嬰兒推車請於備註註名。6. 恕不接受素食訂位。7. 有任何食物禁忌請提前告知並備註,不吃生食者僅提供全熟食定食套餐。8. 本餐廳為無菜單板前日本料理,皆為板前位置無包廂,每位1,500元+10%服務費,自2023年7月1日起,調整為每位1,600元+10%服務費。9. 未滿12歲以下兒童無低消限制,可點兒童餐980元+10%服務費亦或單點,餐點包含海鮮蒸蛋、和牛蓋飯、可爾必思、一道熟食、厚蛋燒、味增湯、甜點或水果。10. 全面禁帶外食及飲料,若有自備蛋糕需求請來電告知,建議蛋糕不宜過大、包裝不宜過高,若是冰箱放置不下只能放置常溫。11. 任何時段遲到超過原訂位時間過久,店家保有視同取消訂位的權利。12. 訂位時需留下信用卡資料以完成訂位手續。13. 本店禁止 攜帶寵物,導盲犬除外。14. 自行帶酒酌收1個杯子洗杯費100元+10%服務費,自行攜帶酒杯也會收取一個杯子100元+10%服務費。15. 當月壽星需提前3天致電告知,或是於inline上訂位時於備註欄位備註。
Reservado 1 vez hoy
? Reservation Guide▪️We accept bookings on the inline platform 14 days in advance.▪️There are tables available for walk-in guests.▪️Reserved tables will be held for 10 minutes only.▪️There is a 110 minute table time limit (beginning from the booking time for reservations or seating time for walk-in customers).▪️Please advise us in advance if you need to cancel or change your reservation to help us better prepare for your meals and avoid wastage.? Opening Hours▪️09:00-17:30 (kitchen closes at 16:30) (bar closes at 17:20)? Payment and Service▪️There is a 10% service charge on all items.▪️* Payment methods: cash / credit card / Apple & Google Pay? Pet Rules▪️We are pet friendly. Pets may be parked in the dog parking area or stay on the ground next to your table freely, but need to be in their carriers if they require any seat. please bring your own pet basket for pet seating on furniture. Please ensure the proper removal and disposal of excrements produced by your own pet.? Dining Guide▪️Customers are required to order at least 1 item on the menu (children under 100cm in height are omitted from this rule).▪️No outside food or drinks are allowed.▪️There is a $200 cleaning fee for any celebratory cakes.▪️Corkage fee is $500 per bottle.???? Large group bookings▪️For information on venue or group bookings for 8+ persons, please inquire via LINE @686haoyf.▪️Simply provide your preferred date, time, number of persons, booking name and contact number, our staff will get back to you ASAP.▪️A $3000 holding fee is required for large reservations of 12+ persons, which is non-refundable for cancellations within 24 hours of the reservation time.?Takeaway & delivery services are available online.▪️Inline & Uber Eats
Reservado 3 veces hoy
💡網路訂位須知*營業時間週一~週日11:00-16:00/17:00-21:00*最後點餐時間週一~週日15:20/20:20*網路訂位依網頁顯示可訂位時間為主,如需詢問其他用餐時段,請電洽門市*每人用餐低消300元*訂位將會為您保留10分鐘,用餐時間為90分鐘*如有任何用餐備註需求,歡迎在訂位頁面下方備註告訴我們!ex:對海鮮過敏、需兒童座椅、當月壽星*當月壽星薄多義招待您吃甜點,祝您生日快樂🎉*為保障全體顧客用餐權益,禁止攜帶寵物入店*全店禁帶外食/禁止吸煙Let’s have a bite to eat! 期待與您相見❣️
Reservado 1 vez hoy
Fresh pasta made with 100% Taiwan-grown wheat. 100% Natural. 100% Made with Love. Fermi is a casual pasta restaurant that aims to create a healthier relationship between people and grains.Menu is available on our website https://fermipasta.com/zh/pages/menu for your reference? >⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️??? Closed for Chinese New Year 2024/02/09-2024/02/14 ???- Start from 1st of Oct, 2022, the minimum charge per person is NT$800. (calculated according to the number of people at the same table)- We open at 17:30~22:00Last seated at 21:00 / Last order at 21:00the dining time is limited to 120 minutes.- Due to the Covid-19 situation, the restaurant will changes the business hour according to the on-site situation on the day. Please understand us for any inconvenience caused.- We hold tables for 10 minutes after the RSVN time, and the meal time is 120 minutes. We kindly ask you to be on time for the best dining experience.- We accept online reservations via our inline system within the next 14 days, for parties up to 6 guests. and the seats will be adjusted according to the on-site situation. - For party size of 7 and above, please contact us directly at fermi.pasta@gmail.com. We will make arrangements according to the number of reservations on the day, and the deposit will be charged for large group reservations to ensure your reservation.- We understand plans can change, so please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel.- We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule your booking due to unforeseen circumstances, extreme weather conditions or accidents.Would you have any questions, please email us at fermi.pasta@gmail.com, or call +886 2 2771-1600 between the hours of 12:00-17:00.?ChildrenWe welcome families with children, but please pay attention to the children's volume, will not be affected to other guests.We do not provide children's meals and children's high-chairs.?CorkageA corkage of NTD$500 NTD will be charged for every bottle of 750ml, NTD$1000 for bottles of above 750ml and Spirits.?Special Occasions!We love to celebrate birthdays! We only can offer candles if you order the dessert, please let us know. Or You may bring a cake & we will keep it cool for you.? PetsPets are not allowed in the restaurant (except guide dogs) in order to protect the rights of consumers and the safety and health of the dining environment. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.? All prices are in TWD and subject to 10% service charge.
Reservado 1 vez hoy
《Book ing bar 預約小叮嚀》東區店搬家囉!請不要跑錯惹~♥️關於訂位:很歡迎您願意來到Book ing,我們接受兩個月內線上訂位,訂位完成後將為您保留10分鐘,若需取消、更改、突發狀況延遲,請提前來電讓我們知道喔!如果線上訂位已滿,可來電詢問,可能會有小驚喜,超過10人訂位可直接在19:00後來電喔!讓我們幫您安排個好位置或包廂~~~我們每個時段為2.5小時,週五六開放預約時段較特殊,若無法訂位可透過FB、IG、LINE@或直接來電詢問喔!低消:一人一杯飲品(軟性/酒精飲料皆可)除生日蛋糕,現場禁帶外食(我們食物很不錯喔!給我們個機會吧!)自備酒水開瓶:紅白酒/1000元 ,烈酒/2000元慶祝:先感恩您選擇特別的節日來到Book ing,無論是慶生、結婚紀念日或其他活動,請在訂位時讓我們知道,現場提供全桌招待shot。?[粉絲專頁](https://m.facebook.com/bookingbar.taipei/)[Line@](https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40bookingbar)
Reservado 6 veces hoy
網路訂位提供10位以內預訂,人數超過10位,煩請致電02-3393-3313預定。特製包廂或包場派對(人數超過15位),請加入官方line@ 「大樹先生的家 生日會、團體包場」,Line ID:@mrtree_tw,將有專人為您服務。【訂位須知】1. 接受當日起一個月內的預約訂位,假日訂位請一律來電預約。2. 每個場次的時間固定,清潔消毒時間並沒有對外營業。3. 預約保留十分鐘,遲到將會轉讓給候位的客人。4. 大樹先生採預約制,大人和小朋友皆需要訂位,請務必確認大人及小孩的總人數後訂位。5. 如果需要兒童(寶寶)椅提供,請務必於『備註』內填寫數量。6. 座位依餐廳現場安排,恕不指定座位。【營業時間】時間場次分為以下三時段中餐時間 11:30~14:30 (13:15最後點餐時間)-清潔消毒時間/不對外營業-下午茶時間 15:00~17:30 (16:15最後點餐時間)-清潔消毒時間/不對外營業-晚餐時間 18:00~21:00 (19:15最後點餐時間)▲各時段遊戲區僅提供給該時段用餐貴賓使用,為維護該時段貴賓權益,請勿佔用其他時段之場地。【年齡規範】遊戲區是專門為0~6歲學齡前小朋友設計規劃,基於安全性的考量,遊戲區僅開放給6歲以下,尚未就讀小學的小朋友進入使用(成人可以陪同)。【消費方式】大人(6歲以上),最低消費250元+10%小朋友(6歲以下),無最低消費,進入遊戲區玩是收清潔費,平日190元/假日250元 ▲清潔費不可折抵消費 ▲進入室內外遊戲區者適用 【信用卡綁定及酌收消費須知】●為維護各位貴賓訂位權益,10人(含)以上訂位皆需預綁定信用卡,金額是每位100元,並於預約完成三日內完成綁定,信用卡綁定成功『不會扣款』,僅作為訂位保證,屆時敬請留意簡訊並完成綁卡以利座位保留。●預約完成後三日內未完成信用卡綁定者,餐廳將有權取消預訂。●訂位時間為您保留10分鐘,訂位保留內『遲到』、『未出席』、『信用卡綁訂逾時』將視同取消訂位。●取消或更改訂位人數及時間,請於用餐日期『三天前』撥打訂位專線:02-3393-3313請服務人員協助更改。● 訂位當天無故缺席,將會對綁定之信用卡進行正式扣款,酌收50%的取消費用,取消費用恕無法退還或挪至下一次用餐使用,訂位前請詳閱規定以保障個人訂位權益,請務必於用餐日的三天前聯絡訂位變更。● 因不可抗因素或意外,本公司保有保留、取消或更改預約之權力。【交通資訊】交通資訊:1. 捷運:古亭捷運站6號出口(樓梯)/7號出口(手扶梯),直走遇杭州南路右轉,遇到潮州街再右轉,約步行時間約5~8分鐘的距離。2. 開車: 『好庭車停車場』,杭州南路二段與金華街的路口,約步行時間約3分鐘的距離。【其他規範】1. 大人進入遊戲區需要穿著襪子(孕婦除外)。2. 大樹先生禁帶外食(生日蛋糕/副食品除外)。