Tapas Frias - Cold Tapas
Quesos de Espana
Hard goat's cheese, aged one year
An earthy blue cheese
Sharp, smoky sheep's milk cheese
Mild sheep's milk cheese, aged one year
Cabra Angulo
Soft goat's cheese
Tabla de Quesos: Selection of All Five
- Small BoardUSD 9.95
- Big BoardUSD 13.95
Variedad de Embutidos
Jamon Serrano
Spanish country ham
Lomo Embuchado
Marinated pork loin
Traditional Spanish sausage
Salchichon de Vic
Spanish summer sausage
Tabla de EmbutidosUSD 13.95
selection of all four
Salpicon de MariscosUSD 13.95
Cold seafood salad in a vinaigrette sauce
Coctel de GambonesUSD 17.95
Jumbo Shrimp cocktail
Boquerones en VinagreUSD 10.95
Marinated anchovies Spanish style
Anchoas con QuesoUSD 10.95
Salted anchovies served over cheese
Sopas - Soups
Crema de PuerrosUSD 4.95
Cream of leeks soup
Crema de CalabazaUSD 4.95
Pumpkin cream soup
Ensaladas - Salads
Ensalada de Esparragos, Pimientos "Piquillo" y AlmendrasUSD 9.95
Asparagus, "Piquillo" peppers and almonds salad
Ensalada de Mozzarella Fresca con Carne de LangostaUSD 15.95
Fresh mozzarella salad with lobster meat
Ensalada de Aguacate con Camarones y Manzana en Salsa RosaUSD 12.95
Avocado salad with shrimp and apples in amorcaine dressing
Ensalada de Temporada con Queso de Cabra en Vinagreta de MielUSD 12.95
Seasonal salad with goat's cheese in a honey vinaigrette
Tapas Varias - Various Tapas
Ravioli de Langosta en Salsa de VodkaUSD 14.95
Lobster raviolli in vodka sauce
Tortilla a la EspanolaUSD 10.95
Traditional spanish potato omelet
Patatas BravasUSD 5.95
Hot, hot fried potatoes with spicy tomato sauce
Croquetas del DiaUSD 10.95
Original spanish bechamel croquettes
Portobellos al OsborneUSD 10.95
Portobellos mushrooms Osborne style
Setas al OsbourneUSD 10.95
Mushrooms Osborne style
Espinaca con GarbanzosUSD 10.95
Spinach with chick pea (ceci) beans
Tapas del Mar - Tapas From the Sea
Camarones Ajillo
Shrimp in garlic sauce
Camarones al AlbarinoUSD 10.95
Shrimp in Albarino wine sauce
Camarones al Estilo Lola'sUSD 17.95
Shrimp rolled with country ham and tomato sauce Lola's style
Camarones "Pica Que Te Pica"USD 10.95
Shrimp in Hot! Hot! Tomato Sauce
Gambas a la Sal GordaUSD 12.95
Young shrimp grilled in sea salt
Camarones al Ajillo con Alcachofas y Jamon SerranoUSD 11.95
Shrimp in garlic with artichokes and serrano ham
Almejas BilbainaUSD 10.95
Clams in tomato and peppers sauce Basque style
Almejas la PlanchaUSD 10.95
Clams grilled in the natural juices with a touch of garlic
Almejas Salsa VerdeUSD 10.95
Clams in green sauce with onions, garlic, wine and parsley
Chipirones FritosUSD 10.95
Fried young calamari served with our special dipping sauce
Chipriones EN su TintaUSD 10.95
Fried young calamari served with our special dipping sauce
Chipriones a la CazuelaUSD 10.95
Young calamari in casserole
Cigalas al BrandyUSD 17.95
Langostines in a brandy sauce
Cigalas al VaporUSD 17.95
Langoustines steamed with bay leave and lemon
Gamones a la PlanchaUSD 16.95
Jumbo shrimp grilled in their own shell with a touch of garlic
Zamburinas en Su ConchaUSD 13.95
Bay scallops in their shell with peppers and onions
Mejillones en Salsa VerdeUSD 10.95
Mussels in green sauce with onions, garlic, wine and parsley
Vieiras con Bacon en Salsa FrambuesaUSD 14.95
Scallops with bacon on a sea of raspberry sauce and almonds
Mejillones al VaporUSD 10.95
Mussels steamed in their own juice with bay leaf and lemon
Atun Fresco al Aroma de TomilloUSD 15.95
Fresh tuna in a tomato and basil sauce
Marmitako de AtunUSD 15.95
Fresh tuna in tomato and "piquillo" peppers
Atun Fresco al Tomate con AlbahacaUSD 15.95
Fresh tuna in a tomato and basil sauce
Pez Espada a la Plancha con Alcaparras y AceitunasUSD 15.95
Swordfish, grilled with capers and black olives
Pez Espada al Estilo de Lola'sUSD 15.95
Swordfish made Lola's style. Chef's original recipe
Salmon con Salsa de MostazaUSD 15.95
Salmon, grilled with mustard sauce
Salmon en Salsa Vizcaina con Pimientos de "Piquillo"USD 15.95
Salmon with "vizcaina" red peppers sauce and "Piquillo" peppers
Salmon al Estilo Ingrid con Frutos del MarUSD 15.95
Salmon in Ingrid's style with seafood
Rape al Estilo de Nuestra AbuelaUSD 14.95
Monkfish in our grandmothers style
Rape con Almejas en Salsa VerdeUSD 14.95
Monkfish in our grandmothers style
Bacalao a la VizcianaUSD 14.95
Salted cod basque style in tomato and pepper sauce
Arroz Negro con ChiprionesUSD 12.95
Black rice with young squid
Arroz con VegetalesUSD 9.95
Rice with vegetables
La Teja Lola's de MariscosUSD 24.95
Seleccion de carnes a la plancha servidos sobre una teja tradicional Minimo 2 Personas/Per Person
A Selection of Grilled Meats over a Traditional Roof Tile
Minimum 2 Persons
Tapas de la Tierra - Tapas From the Land
Chorizos al Vino Vino Tinto en CervezaUSD 10.95
Spanish sausage in red wine or beer
Chorizos Salteados con Pimientos y CebollaUSD 10.95
Spanish sausage sauteed with peppers and onions
Albondigas en Salsa TomateUSD 10.95
Spanish meatballs in a tomato sauce
"Raxo" Lomo de Cerdo con HigosUSD 11.95
Pork loin with figs
Solomillo de Cerdo Al Whiskey y HigosUSD 12.95
Pork filet mignon in a whiskey fig sauce
Salteado a la Lola'sUSD 13.95
Filet mignon tips sauteed, with peppers and onions
Buey en Salsa de Vino MadeiraUSD 13.94
Filet mignon tips in Madeira wine sauce
Buey a la Saten con Pimientos PicantesUSD 13.95
Filet mignon tips sauteed, with hot! Cherry peppers
Buey en Salsa de Pimienta Blanca FrescaUSD 13.95
Filet mignon tips with Spanish ham in a "cabrales' sauce
Buey al Volcan Estil de Lola's SpecialUSD 17.95
Filet mignon medallions served in a volcano style
Chuletitas de Cordero con Frutos SecosUSD 15.95
Lamb chops with dried fruits
Chuletitas de Cordero al RomeroUSD 15.95
Lamb chops made with rosemary sauce
Churrasco con Setas PortobelloUSD 13.95
Skirt steak with portobello mushrooms
Churrasco a Las BrasasUSD 13.95
Grilled skirt steak
Pollo al Vino RibieroUSD 11.95
Chicken in a Ribiero wine sauce
Pollo a la Salsa de WhiskeyUSD 11.95
Chicken cooked in a whiskey sauce
Alitas de Pollo en Salsa Brava!USD 9.95
Chicken wings in our hot! hot! tomato sauce
Pollo a la MostazaUSD 11.95
Chicken in a mustard sauce
"La Teja Lola's de Carnes" Selección de Carnes a la Plancha Servidos Sobre Una Teja TradicionalUSD 24.95
A selection of grilled seafood over a traditional Spanish roof tile Minimum 2 Persons/Per Person
Alitas de Pollo con Coco y CurryUSD 9.95
Chicken wings with coconut and curry sauce