Ofenfrisches Pizzabrot Pizza bread fresh from the ovenEUR 6.90
- + Tunacrème/ tuna cream EUR 6.00
- + Aioli/ aioli EUR 5.50
- + Oliven/ olives EUR 5.50
Bruschetta (3 St.) EUR 14.90
Frische Tomaten Rucola Parmesan Bruschetta (3 pieces) Tomatoes Rucola parmesan cheese
Ganzer Kopfsalat (für 2 Personen) EUR 18.90
Dijon-Senf Sauce Croûtons Lettuce (for 2 persons) Dijon-mustard sauce croûtons
Burrata aus handgemachter regionaler Rohmilch EUR 16.90
Tomate Basilikumpesto Burrata Tomato basil pesto
Crunchy Shrimps Salat EUR 28.90
Gewürzbohnencreme Sesam Crunchy Shrimps salad Spice bean cream sesame
Carpaccio vom US Beef EUR 23.90
Rucola Parmesan Carpaccio of US beef Rocket salad parmesan
Tuna Tataki `new style` EUR 26.50
Yuzu plumb sauce Chili Tuna Tataki style `new style` Yuzu plumb sauce chili
Lachssashimi warm mariniert EUR 26.90
Wakame - Algensalat Wasabi Ingwer Salmon sashimi warm marinated Wakame alga salad wasabi ginger
Thunfischtatar EUR 26.90
Avocado Sesamalgen Tuna tatar Avocado sesame alga
Classic Ceasar’s Salad
Parmesan Sardellen Croûtons EUR 18.90
- + Hähnchenstreifen EUR 24.90
- + Gambas EUR 27.90
Classic Ceasar's salad Parmesan anchovies croûtons
- + stripes of chicken breast
- + prawns
Vitello tonnato EUR 25.90
Rosa Kalbfleisch Thunfischcrème Kapernäpfel Vitello tonnato Veal meat tuna cream caper - apples
Rote Beete Carpaccio EUR 19.90
- Trüffelcrème Parmesan + Wildkräutersalat gratinierter ZiegenkäsetalerEUR 26.90
- Truffle cream parmesan cheese + wild herb salad gratinated goat cheese fritterEUR 26.90
Sardinen aus der Dose EUR 14.90
Schwarzbrot Butter Vintage pilchards wholegrain bread butter
Bonito del norte „VENTRESCA“ EUR 27.00
Edelthunfischkonserve Schwarzbrot dicke weisse Bohnen Bonito del norte „VENTRESCA“ High quality tuna fish tin wholegrain bread white beans
10g Osietra Imperial Kaviar | 10g osietra imperial caviarEUR 29.90
30g Osietra Imperial Kaviar | 30g osietra imperial caviarEUR 88.00
50g Osietra Imperial Kaviar | 50g osietra imperial caviarEUR 145.00
125g Osietra Imperial Kaviar | 125g osietra imperial caviarEUR 335.00
Toast & Schnittlauchcrème fraîche | Toast & chives cream fraîche
riva`s Kaviar Sandwichschnitte | riva`s caviar Sandwich ToastEUR 115.00
gefüllt mit 30g Kaviar Toast Cheddar Lachs | stuffed with 30g caviar cheddar salmon
1/2 kg Gambas | 1/2 kg GambasEUR 48.00
Geröstetes Brot Aioli | Roasted bread aioli
Antipasti Classic (ab 2 Personen) 26,9 p.P.
Verschiedene Gemüse Burrata Carpaccio Vitello tonnato Gambas al ajillo Variety of vegetable Burrata (kind of mozzarella cheese) sliced raw beef meat Marinated veal meat in tuna sauce Gambas al ajillo
Antipasti Exklusiv (ab 4 Personen) 29,9 p.P.
Verschiedene Gemüse (Rote Beete Carpaccio Auberginen Caponata Zucchini Minze Balsamico frittiertes Gemüseomelette Peperoni Pilze) Burrata Vitello tonnato Salsiccia Brokkoli Lachssashimi Thunfischtatar Crevettes rosé | Variety of vegetable (Beet root Carpaccio egg plant caponata courgettes mint balsamico fried vegetable omelette peperoni mushrooms) Burrata (kind of mozzarella cheese) marinated veal meat in tuna sauce Salsiccia broccoli salmon sashimi tuna tatar crevettes rosé
Süßkartoffelpommes EUR 17.90
Trüffelmayo Sweet potato french fries Truffle mayo
Trüffelpommes EUR 17.90
Truffled french fries Parmesan
Thai Curry Chicken Suppe EUR 16.50
Hühnchen Glasnudeln Thai curry chicken soup Chicken glass noodles
Fischeintopf | Fish Stew
Tomate Krustentiere Röstbrot Aioli | Tomato crustaceans roasted bread aioli
- Kleine | Small PortionEUR 24.50
- große | Big PortionEUR 29.50
Risotto Edelfischragout EUR 29.90
Fenchel Safran Risotto fish ragout Fennel saffron
Spaghetti Gambas EUR 29.90
Tomaten Knoblauch Chili Spaghetti prawns Tomatoes garlic chili
Penne arrabiata style EUR 19.50
- + Rinderfiletspitzen | + beef tipsEUR 34.90
Tagliarini Trüffel EUR 29.90
Frische Trüffel Parmesan Tagliarini truffle Fresh truffles parmesan
- + Rinderfiletspitzen | + beef tipsEUR 44.90
Paccheri Bolognese EUR 24.90
Frische Chilicrème Hackfleisch Paccheri Bolognese Fresh chili cream minced meat
Bandnudeln EUR 27.90
Lachs Zucchini Spinat Tomate Tagliatelle Salmon courgettes spinach tomato
Fussili Norma EUR 19.00
Aubergine | egg plants
- + BurrataEUR 24.90
Kikok Hähnchenbrust EUR 34.90
Reis gelber Curry Paprika Koriander Kikok chicken breast Rice curry pepper coriander
Geschmorte Kalbsbäckchen in Barolojus EUR 38.90
Püree Spitzkohl Braised veals cheeks in barolo jus mashed potatoes pointed cabbage
Wiener Schnitzel 'Original' EUR 38.90
Speck - Bratkartoffeln Gurkensalat Preiselbeeren Escalope Vienna style ‘original’ Fried potatoes bacon cucumber salad cranberries
Thunfischsteak EUR 39.90
Algen Sesam Glasnudeln Ingwer Kokos Tuna steak Alga sesame glass noodles ginger coco
Loup de mer Filet EUR 39.90
Erbsenpüree Kaiserschoten beurre blanc Fillet of loup de mer Mashed peas snow peas beurre blanc
Loup de mer in Salzkruste ab 2 Personen pro 100 g EUR 11.50
Kartoffelpüree Spinat (ca. 40 min Zubereitungszeit) Loup de mer in salt crust 2 (+) persons Mashed potatoes spinach (ca. 40 min preparation time)
Rinderfilet | Beef fillet
riva‘s Gemüse Kartoffelpüree Portweinschalotten | riva's vegetable mashed potatoes port wine shalots
- Rinderfilet 180g | Beef fillet 180gEUR 45.90
- Rinderfilet 300g | Beef fillet 300gEUR 57.90
US Black Angus Beef Filet GOP 250g | US Black Angus beef fillet GOP 250gEUR 84.90
riva‘s Gemüse Kartoffelpüree Portweinschalotten | riva's vegetable mashed potatoes port wine shalots
Irische Lammfilets | Irish fillet of lambEUR 43.90
Gnocchi Basilikumpesto geschmorte Paprika Oliven | Gnocchi basil pesto braised pepper olives
Sirloin Flapsteak US | Sirloin Flapsteak USEUR 43.90
Waldpilze getrüffelte Fritten Sauce Béarnaise | Mushrooms truffled chips sauce Béarnaise
US Porterhousesteak (für 2 Personen) 1,2Kg | US Porterhousesteak (apart from 2 persons)EUR 157.90
Salat belgische Fritten Trüffeljus Sauce Béarnaise | Salad french fries truffle jus sauce Béarnaise
Cordon bleu vom Milchkalbsrücken | Cordon bleu of back of milk calfEUR 42.90
Püree Vichykarotten | Mashed potatoes vichy carrots
Saucen extra/ extra sauces
- + Sauce Béarnaise/ sauce Béarnaise EUR 6.90
- + Trüffelsauce/ truffled sauce EUR 8.90
- + Cognac Pfeffersauce/ cognac pepper sauce EUR 6.90
- + Jus Barolo EUR 7.90
- + Kräuterbutter EUR 3.90
Margherita EUR 16.00
'riva style' EUR 24.90
Salsiccia Salami piccante Champignons Zwiebeln Parmesan | Italian fennel sausage spicy salami mushrooms onions parmesan
CapreseEUR 18.90
Tomate Mozzarella Basilikum Rucola Parmesan | Tomatoes mozzarella basil rocket salad parmesan
Salami piccante EUR 18.00
4 Stagioni EUR 21.00
Artischocken Kochschinken Champignons Thunfisch | Artichokes boiled ham champignons tuna fish
Porto EUR 23.90
Spinat Thunfisch Zwiebeln Chili | Spinach tuna fish onions chili
Bianca EUR 23.90
Parmaschinken Burrata Parmesan Basilikum | Parma ham Burrata parmesan basil
Parma EUR 25.90
Rucola Parmesan Parmaschinken | Rocket salad parmesan parma ham
Trüffel EUR 32.90
Kräuterseitling Trüffel | Herb mushrooms truffles
Crème brûlée von Papua - Neuguinea - Vanille | Crème brûlée of Papa – New Guinea vanillaEUR 15.00
Schokoladeneis | Chocolate ice cream
riva`s Klassiker Vanilleeis Crème 'Pure' (2 Personen) | Vanilla ice cream ‘pure’ (2 persons)EUR 18.90
Schokoladensauce | Chocolate sauce
¼ Ananas | ¼ PineappleEUR 12.00
Walnüsse Honig griechischer Joghurt | Walnuts honey greek jogurt
Tiramisu „classic“ | Tiramisu “classic”EUR 13.00
Mousse & gebackener Brownie von der Zartbitterschokolade | Mousse & baked brownie of dark chocolateEUR 16.00
Vanillecrème Beeren | Vanilla cream berries
New York Cheese Cake EUR 15.00
Blaubeeren Sorbet | Blueberries sorbet
Panna Cotta „classic“ Früchte | panna cotta “classic” fruitsEUR 12.00
Gebackener Krapfen | Baked pastryEUR 13.90
Nutella Zimt Zucker | Nut nougat cream cinnamon sugar
Sorbet mit Früchten je Kugel 5,5 | sorbet with fruits each ball 5,5
Mangosorbet/ mango sorbet Mandarinensorbet/ mandarin sorbet Himbeersorbet/ raspberry sorbet
Zitronen - Joghurtsorbet Lemon - yogurt sorbet
- + Prosecco/ sparkling wine EUR 15.00
- + Wodka/ Vodka EUR 16.00
- + Champagner/ champagne EUR 22.00
Käseauswahl EUR 23.50
Feigensenf Trauben Grissini Selection of cheese Fig mustard grapes grissini